Nordic Biohacking Day - Inner Balance Scoreboard

This is the 2020 Conference Scoreboard

In 3,5 hours we did 45 Breath/Stress tests of the conference attendees measuring their deep breathing HRV and their ability to calm themselves in an stressfull environment.

Inner Balance Score Board

inner balance score

Avg. attendee Deep Breathing HRV

top 3

Sophia W.
Birgitte R.
Anton F.

Inner balance score explained

The Inner Balance Score is measured through a Deep Breath Heart Rate Variability test. An average score for a normal population aged 18-40 years is an average of 42 (plus/minus 15) with a possible maximum of 160. The higher the score the better inner balance and less stress you have. Above is an average for all Blue Energy employees before and after training with me. 

Destress ability

Avg. attendee Heart Coherence Score

top 3

Katrina K.
Lasse R.
Kristian C.

Destress Ability Score explained

The Destress Ability Score is measured through a Deep Breath Heart Coherence test. For high perfomers a score below 2 is poor, between 2-4 is ok and above 4 is good. Sustianable high perfomers go above 5+ and can maintain this for longer periods of time.

Har du fundet din 1000kr voucher i din goodiebag?

I så fald kan du bruge den og få rabat på min Breath Masterclass 15. november, hvor Martin Kremmer blandt andre deltager (kun få pladser tilbage) eller mine træningssessioner, der indeholder vejrtrækningsøvelser, energiøvelser og kropsterapi, der passer præcist til dig. Se mere hvordan du kan træne din indre balance under punktet Growth Training.

Fik du ikke lavet en breath/stress test, så send mig en mail på, og lad os aftale nærmere.

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